Karachi, June 20, 2016 (PPI-OT):
Name of the Fund Date Offer Redemption
Open End
AKD Income Fund (AKDAIF) June 20, 2016 55.6278 55.0769
AKD Opportunity Fund (AKDOF) June 20, 2016 85.0000 82.5000
AKD Index Tracker Fund (AKDITF) June 20, 2016 15.3700 15.2100
AKDCF June 20, 2016 52.7809 52.7809
Close End Closing NAV
AKD Golden Arrow Selected Stocks Fund (GASF) June 20, 2016 8.5000 11.2700
For more information, contact:
AKD Investment Management Ltd.
216, Continental Trade Centre,
Block 8, Clifton,
UAN: 111 253 465
Fax: 021 530 3125
URL: http://www.akdinvestment.com/