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Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited Closing Rate of FOOD AND PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS Dated 18-01-2016

Karachi, January 18, 2016 (PPI-OT):

Company Name Turnover Prv.Rate Open Rate Highest Lowest Last Rate Diff.
ASC Al-Shaheer Corp 1465000 51.43 50.03 51.49 48.86 50.48 -0.95
CLOV Clover Pakistan 22500 54.04 51.35 54.00 51.34 53.73 -0.31
EFOODS Engro Foods Ltd. 322300 139.44 141.00 141.49 132.80 139.63 0.19
MFFL MithchellsFruit 600 320.00 304.00 307.01 304.00 307.00 -13.00
MUREB Murree Brewery 1200 845.00 802.75 802.75 802.75 802.75 -42.25
NATF National Foods 2400 288.99 280.00 285.00 275.00 285.00 -3.99
NOPK Noon Pakistan 154100 289.18 299.00 303.63 275.50 291.19 2.01
NOPKNV NoonPakNonVot 32900 186.49 184.00 191.00 179.50 187.04 0.55
QUICE Quice Food 1472500 7.06 6.70 6.85 6.45 6.64 -0.42
SCL Shield Corp. 100 462.67 485.75 485.75 485.75 485.75 23.08
SHEZ Shezan Inter. 50 600.00 599.99 599.99 599.99 599.99 -0.01
TREET Treet Corp 808000 55.20 54.00 55.25 52.44 54.48 -0.72
UPFL Unilever Foods 40 6200.00 0.00 6200.00 6200.00 6200.00 0.00
ZIL ZIL Limited 500 78.00 74.25 74.25 74.25 74.25 -3.75

For more information, contact:
S. Munawar Ali
Senior Manager
Public Relations
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Tel: (92-21) 111-001122
Fax: (92-21) 3241 0825, (92-21) 3241 5136

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