‫شركة Rhotex Inc.‎ تُطلق خيارات سليمة بيئيًا لتعدين العملات الرقمية

تورونتو،27 يناير 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – أطلقت شركة Rhotex‏(www.rhotex.com)‏ 3 صناديق تعدين تم إعدادها باستخدام نظام تبريد مدمج في مصنع لضمان كفاءة بنسبة 100٪ حيث تعمل الرقائق على توليد الحرارة.انطلاقًا من شركة Rhotex، يعمل هذا الابتكار الأول من نوعه المُصمَم من قبل خبراء متمرسين في مجال صناعة العملات الرقمية على توفير حل مسؤول بيئيًا للتعامل مع التحديات التي تواجهها شركات التعدين التقليدية اليوم من خلال استهلاك مصدر طاقة أقل مقارنةً بأداء الناتج.

تقدّم شركة Rhotex حاليًا مجموعة من المنتجات في عرضها الجديد، مثل RHO Lite وRHO Pro وRHO Rack، والذي يأتي متسلّحًا بميزات مذهلة كاستهلاك الطاقة المنخفض والناتج العالي الأداء واتصال Wi-Fi/إيثرنت والإعداد السهل والتوافق الإنتاجي مع مختلف خيارات سلسلة الكتل.تؤدي هذه الميزات إضافة إلى نظام التبريد المدمج الخاص بالشركة إلى زيادة التحويل المتوقع لمعدل التجزئة، ما يمنحها ميزة في الصناعة.تم تحليل كل المنتجات في سلسلة Rho بعناية فائقة، كما تمت تجربتها في ظلّ ظروف شديدة .

تعمل حلول الخوارزميات الخاصة بشركة Rhotex Inc.‎ على دمج تقنيات أجهزة وبرامج ذات مستوى عالمي لحلول الشركات المتطورة والسحابية المتطورة وتعدين Bitcoin وBitcoin Cash وEthereum وLitecoin وDash بمستويات عالية في أوقات استثنائية.تتضمّن طاقة معدل الهاش في السلسلة ما يلي:

RHO Lite‏: 1000 تيرا هاش/الثانية – Bitcoin‏، 5 جيجا هاش/الثانية – Ethereum

RHO Pro‏: 1800 تيرا هاش/الثانية – Bitcoin‏، 10 جيجا هاش/الثانية – Ethereum

وRHO Rack‏: 4100 تيرا هاش/الثانية – Bitcoin‏، 20 جيجا هاش/الثانية – Ethereum.

يقول Roberts Evans، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Rhotex Inc.‎ في بيان له إن سلسلة RHO هي أداة تعدين سهلة الاستخدام تعمل على تحسين كفاءة استهلاك الطاقة مع تقديم أعلى مستوى من الإنتاجية.وأضاف قائلاً “إنها طريقتنا للمساهمة بحصتنا في خلق بيئة خضراء، وذلك من خلال إنشاء تصميم ملائم للبيئة بنظام تبريد مدمج يتميز بمستوى منخفض جدًا من الانبعاثات الكربونية.هذا الابتكار هو الأول من نوعه،ونحن مسرورون جدًا بالفرص التي يقدّمها.”

للوصول إلى المجموعة الواسعة من المنتجات المعروضة ومعرفة المزيد من المعلومات حول Rhotex، يُرجى زيارة www.rhotex.com.

حول Rhotex:

Rhotex Inc.‎ هي الشركة وراء سلسلات RHO Miner، وهي شركات تعدين عملات نقدية عالية الجودة وملائمة للبيئة تتمتع بنظام تبريد مدمج يوفر طاقة معدل هاش عالية للغاية واستهلاك منخفض للطاقة.ومن بين شركائهم Equinix وAvenga وEtiya وAltiostar وغيرها الكثير.تتخّذ الشركة تورونتو، كندا مقرًا رئيسًا لها كما أنها تملك حاليًا مرافق في أستراليا.

معلومات جهة الاتصال:
Harry Sapra
Rhotex Inc.‎

Board Meeting other than Financial Result of Bank of Khyber

Karachi, Bank of Khyber informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that board of directors meeting of the company will be held on February 08, 2021 at Islamabad to consider the Annual Budget / Business Plan 2021.


Further, the company has declared the closed period from January 27, 2021 to February 08, 2021.

Bank of Khyber is a bank incorporated in Pakistan under the Bank of Khyber Act, 1991. It is principally engaged in the business of commercial banking and related services. The bank acquired the status of a scheduled bank in 1994. The bank operates 100 branches including 44 Islamic Banking Branches. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi Stock Exchange. The registered office of the Bank is situated at Peshawar.

The symbol “BOK” is being used by the stock Exchange for the shares of the Bank of Khyber.

Board Meeting other than Financial Result of Idress Textile Mills Limited

Karachi, Idress Textile Mills Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that board of directors meeting of the company will be held on February 04, 2021 at Karachi to consider Resignation of director and other than financial matters.


Further, the company has declared the closed period from January 27, 2021 to February 04, 2021.

Idrees Textile Mills Limited is a company incorporated in Pakistan as an unquoted public limited company in 1990. The foundations of the company are laid under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The principal activity of the company is manufacturing and sale of yarn and fabric. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges of Pakistan.

Associated companies include Bilal Omair Textile Mills Private Limited and Shama Enterprises Private Limited.

The symbol “IDRT” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Idrees Textile Mills Limited.

Board of directors meeting of Fauji Cement Company Limited

Karachi, Fauji Cement Company Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that board of directors meeting of the company will be held on February 17, 2021. The agenda of the meeting will to consider the Half Yearly Accounts for the period ended December 31, 2020.


Further, the company has declared the closed period from February 11, 2021 to February 17, 2021.

Fauji Cement Company Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan on November 23, 1992. The foundations of the company are laid under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The business commenced from May 22, 1993. The principal activity of the company is manufacturing and sale of ordinary Portland cement. The shares of the company are quoted on the Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore Stock Exchanges in Pakistan. The company’s registered office is situated at Rawalpindi.

The cement plant of the company is located in Punjab. The annual production capacity of the plant is 1.165 million tons of Cement. The company has a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Processing Plant which solves problem of Municipal Garbage Disposal. Minimum 300-400 tons of garbage is being lifted from each garbage dump located at Rawalpindi and Islamabad. In addition, the other important advantages include reduced use of fossil fuel, lowering of green house gases in the atmosphere and availability of compost fertilizer as a byproduct.

The symbol “FCCL” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Fauji Cement Company Limited.

Board Meeting other than Financial Result of AGP Limited

Karachi, AGP Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that board of directors meeting of the company will be held on February 03, 2021 at Karachi to consider the potential investment opportunity.


Further, the company has declared the closed period from January 28, 2021 to February 03, 2021.

AGP Limited (AGP) began its commercial operations in 1989 as an independent pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Karachi, Pakistan. It has steadily grown through manufacturing and marketing products under licensing arrangements with many companies of international repute and also through manufacturing and marketing its own brands. Today, it is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan, providing a broad range of pharmaceutical products. The determination to upgrade the pharmaceutical resources of Pakistan and improvement of the quality of life of a common man was the key motivating factors in the inception of AGP.

The operations of AGP include manufacturing, marketing and sales of pharmaceuticals and healthcare products in the domestic and export market. The delivery of AGP’s products, across the country, is managed by one of the largest and state of art pharmaceutical distribution set ups in Pakistan.

Board of directors meeting of Abdullah Shah Ghazi Sugar Mills Limited

Karachi, Abdullah Shah Ghazi Sugar Mills Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that board of directors meeting of the company will be held on February 04, 2021 at Lahore. The agenda of the meeting will to consider the Annual Accounts for the period ended September 30, 2020.


Further, the company has declared the closed period from January 29, 2021 to February 04, 2021.

Abdullah Shah Ghazi Sugar Mills Limited is a Pakistan-based company. The principal business of the Company is manufacturing and selling of refined sugar and by-products. The Company’s mill is located at Garho, Sindh.

The Symbol “AGSML” is being used by the stock exchange for Abdullah Shah Ghazi Sugar Mills Limited.


CM announces Local Bodies elections in KP on September 15

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan has announced Local Bodies elections in the province on September 15 this year which has been endorsed by the provincial cabinet.

Addressing the cabinet meeting in Peshawar, he said that the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is committed to the decentralization of power and authority and decision making at grassroots level in the province.

He directed to increase of Honoria of Chief Khateeb and Moavin Qazis of the province.

The cabinet formally approved the Probation and Parole Act-2020 to ease out the conditional release of imprisoned people on misdemeanours.

The cabinet agreed to the establishment of Water Commission and Water Regulatory Authority for efficient water resource management in the province.


Source: Radio Pakistan