Elections / Appointments

This category covers all news related Elections / Appointments

Noon Sugar Mills Limited’s notice regarding change of Chairman / Chief Executive / Director

Karachi: We inform you that Mr. Adnan Hayat Noon has been appointed as Chairman and Chief Executive of the Company in place of Mr. Manzoor Hayat Noon who expired on 18 May, 2011. The casual vacancy on the Board has been filled up by appointment of Mr. Asif Hussain Bukhari, FCA. For more information, contact: Syed Anwer Ali Company Secretary Noon Sugar Mills Limited 66 - Garden Block, New Garden Town, Lahore. Tel; +9242 5831462-63 Fax: +9242 5831462 Website: www.noonsugar.com Email: shares@noonsugar.com

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Noon Pakistan Limited’s announcement of change of Chairman / Chief Executive /Director

Karachi: We inform you that Mr. Salman Hayat Noon has been appointed as Chairman and Chief Executive of the Company in place of Mr. Manzoor HayatNoon who expired on 18 May, 2011. The casual vacancy on the Board has been filled up by appointment of Col. (Retd.) Abdul Khaliq Khan. For more information, contact: Syed Anwer Ali Company Secretary Noon Pakistan Limited 66 - Garden Block, New Garden Town, Lahore. Tel: +9242 35831462-63 Fax: +9242 35831462 Website: www.nurpurfoods.com Email: shares@noonpak.com

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