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Change of Director of NIB Bank Limited

Karachi, NIB Bank Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about Mr. Atif R. Bokhari Director of the Bank has ceased to be the Director of the Bank with effect from December 26, 2016. NIB Bank Limited is incorporated in Pakistan the operations of which started in October, 2003. It is a scheduled commercial bank and is principally engaged in the business of banking as defined in the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962. The business of the bank is Consumer Banking, Commercial Banking and Wholesale Banking. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchange of Pakistan. The registered office of the bank is located in Islamabad. The bank is a subsidiary of Bugis Investments (Mauritius) Pte. Limited which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fullerton Financial Holdings Pte. Limited which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings, an investment arm of the Government of Singapore. Temasek Holdings of Singapore continues to be the largest single investor in NIB Bank with a stake in excess of 88%. The branch network of the bank includes 179 branches across the country. The symbol “NIB” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of NIB Bank Limited.

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‫ہی یوان چائنا میں 15,000 میراتھون دوڑنے والے دوڑے

ہی یوان، چین، 26 دسمبر 2016ء/سن ہوا-ایشیانیٹ/– 25 دسمبر کی صبح 2016ء ہی یوان ایورگرین لیک انٹرنیشنل میراتھون کے آغاز کی گولی سنائی دی۔ اندرون اور بیرون ملک 15,000 دوڑنے والوں نے صحت مند چین اور سبز ہی یوان کی اردگرد کی سبز پہاڑیوں اور دریاؤں کے ساتھ شہری شاخوں کو دنیا کے سامنے پیش […]

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