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Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan takes charge as Minister for Interior

Islamabad, June 08, 2013 (PPI-OT): The Federal Minister for Interior, Chaudhry Nisar Ali khan has formally taken the charge as Federal Minister for Interior. The Secretary Interior, Raja Muhammad Abbas and other senior officers of the Ministry briefed the Federal Minister about working and performance of Interior Ministry, here at Ministry of Interior. At this occasion, the Federal Minister for Interior addressed the officers and said that Interior Ministry is very important and sensitive and its role has become even more important in current law and order situation in the country.

The Minister said that he expects that the officers of Interior Ministry would perform to the best of their abilities. He further added that there would be no problem for the officers who are honest and are committed to the state.

The Federal Minister added that he would not do anything that is wrong and is against the law and constitution; he further said that small mistakes are tolerable but anyone found compromising on honesty and commitment to state would not be tolerated.

The Federal Minister finally said that he would observe simplicity in Interior Ministry and would present himself as its role model.

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