Concert another tactic to divert attention from Kashmir

Srinagar, September 07, 2013 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC), Shabbir Ahmad Shah has said that Kashmir is a disputed territory and New Delhi wants to mislead the international community about the ground realities of the territory through holding of musical concert. Shabbir Ahmad Shah, who is under house arrest in Srinagar, in a statement said that Zubin Mehta had come to Kashmir to suppress the Kashmiris’ liberation movement and not to win their hearts.

APHC leaders, Zafar Akbar Butt, Yasmeen Raja in their statements in Srinagar and Syed Bashir Andrabi addressing a gathering in Pulwama said that holding of a musical concert by India in the territory was another tactic to divert attention from the Kashmir dispute and convey a message to the international community that all was normal in Kashmir. He said that the people of Kashmir would continue their struggle for securing their right to self-determination.

They termed Zubin Mehta’s concert in Srinagar tantamount to rubbing salt on the wounds of oppressed Kashmiris. They said that the main purpose of the music show was to convey to the world that everything was normal in Kashmir.

The APHC leaders said that detentions and house arrests could not suppress the ongoing indigenous Kashmir liberation movement but they would further boost the morale of Kashmiri people. They said that instead of arranging a musical concert in the disputed territory, Germany should help in settling the Kashmir dispute.

Meanwhile, the JKPM leader, Mir Shahid Saleem in a statement said that by observing strike, the people of Kashmir sent a loud and clear message to India and the world community that they would never let anyone under the sky to tamper with the disputed nature of Kashmir. He said that the Kashmiris had given a befitting reply to the Indian intelligence agencies, which were hell bent to harm the disputed status of Kashmir.

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