Karachi, June 27, 2013 (PPI-OT): Environmental Protection Agency, Government of Sindh (EPA Sindh) has boosted up environmental monitoring of all industrial areas of Karachi to control industrial pollution by across-the-board implementing the environmental laws.
According to details, after taking over charge of Director General EPA Sindh recently Mr Naeem Ahmed Mughal assigned the task of industrial monitoring of all the industrial areas of Karachi to field officers by issuing a monthly monitoring plan to them. According to plan, district-wise different industrial areas have been assigned to field inspection teams of SEPA and they will collect industrial wastewater samples.
The collected samples would be referred to Laboratory for scientific analysis and if any found in contravention of National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) legal proceedings in accordance to the provision of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 would be initiated.
Advising the field officers to implement the industrial monitoring plan in letter and spirit the Director General EPA Sindh said that no any lethargy will be tolerated while putting the said plan into practice. He urged the officers to put all their efforts to control the industrial pollution for the great good of the ever-degrading environmental conditions of the province in particular in the industrial areas releasing wastewater to rivers, canals and sea.
It may be pointed out that quite recently 3000 industries were served notices by EPA Sindh to look into their state of environmental compliance. In addition to this, nearly 180 hospitals were directed to dispose of their infectious waste through appropriate technology of incinerator, autoclave or any other suitable one.
Moreover, with the efforts of Sindh EPA a combined effluent treatment plant is being installed with the financial assistance of Sindh Government at the industrial area of Kotri to treat the industrial effluent before its release into adjacent water body of KB Feeder.
A combined effluent plant was also installed at the cluster of tanneries situated at Sector 7 of Korangi Industrial Area because of the key motivating role of Sindh EPA. Owners of industries are also advised to ensure appropriate wastewater treatment facility to combat pollution and to honour environmental legislation in the interest of general public and for the conservation and protection of natural resources.
Besides, all the proponents of public sector development projects are also being vigorously approached and convinced to get the environmental impact assessment (EIA)/initial environmental examination (IEE) of their project conducted and duly approved by Sindh EPA.
For more information, contact:
Mr. Syed Muhammad Yahya
Deputy Director (Lab)
Sindh Environmental Protection Agency
EPA-Complex, Plot # Street # 2/1,
Sector # 23, Korangi Industrial Area,
Phone: +92-21-5065946
Fax: +92-21-5065940