Islamabad, June 29, 2019 (PPI-OT): High Commissioner Mohammad Nafees Zakaria hosted children from various convent Schools of Punjab with the Bishop and members of Diocese of Lahore and British children from Bury School along with members of Diocese of Church of England, Manchester, says a press release received here today from London. The Reception took place at the High Commission on 28 June 2019. It was a mix of children belonging to Christian and Muslim faiths from Pakistan. The Pakistani children were the top position holders from their respective schools and were selected for study tour of the UK under the existing exchange programme.
The children were being chaperoned by their school Principals. The High Commissioner lauded the academic achievements of the children. He briefed the students on the friendly relations between Pakistan and the UK. The High Commissioner hoped that the young generation would further strengthen these bilateral ties and create useful linkages between the two peoples. Mr Zakaria also appreciated the exchange programme that offers invaluable experience to the young children to learn from each others’ cultures. The High Commissioner has hosted several such events at the High Commission with the objective of creating interfaith harmony among the followers of different faiths.
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