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Karachi Cotton Association Official Spot Rate for Local Dealings in Pak Rupees of 18-05-2015

Karachi, May 18, 2015 (PPI-OT):

                                                       CROP 2014 - 2015
                                                         PART - I
                                                        SPOT RATES
                                        KCA Official Spot Rate for Local Dealings in Pak Rupees
                                        FOR BASE GRADE 3 (THREE) STAPLE LENGTH 1-1/16"
                                        MICRONAIRE VALUE BETWEEN 3.8 To 4.9 NCL

Rate                     Ex-Gin Price      Up-country        Spot Rate          Spot Rate            Difference
for                                         Expenses         Ex-Karachi         Ex. KHI. As on         In Rs.
                                                                                16.05.2015           Ex.Karachi
37.324 kg                      5,450          150                5,600
Equivalent                                                                         5,600                NIL
40 kgs                         5,841          160                6,001             6,001                NIL

Valid for the day established by the Rates Committee at 12:00 Noon.

The Grade and Staple Margins Charts and the percentage allowances for Micronaire blow

GRADE                                                                    STAPLE
                                               (for the period from May 02, 2015 to May 30, 2015)

                   31/32"               1                  1-132"              1-1/16"             1-3/32"            1-1/8"
            37.32kg - 40 kg     37.32kg - 40 kg        37.32kg - 40 kg     37.32kg - 40 kg   37.32kg - 40 kg      37.32kg - 40 kg
Super       -400       -429     -300      -322        -100      -107       +300      322       +450     482       +550      589
1           -450       -482     -350      -375        -200      -214       +250      268       +400     429       +500      536
2           -500       -536     -400      -429        -250      -268       +200      214       +350     375       +450      482
3           -900       -965     -700      -750        -500      -536            BASE           +200     214       +300      322
4          -1300      -1393    -1100     -1179        -900      -965       -400     -429       -200    -214       -100     -107
5          -1400      -1500    -1200     -1286       -1000     -1072       -500     -536       -300    -322       -200     -214

All above margins are based on Micronaire value between 3.8 to 4.9 NCL for Grades Super, 1, 2, and 3 and Micronaire value between 3.5 to 4.9 NCL for Grades 4 and 5. Approval of Government for Grade Super and Micronaire value 3.8 to 4.9 NCL is awaited.

The discount on the basis of low or high Micronaire is stated below which is applicable in addition to the above mentioned margins:

Micronaire below 3.8 in           Percentage               Micronaire in             Percentage
Grades Super,1,2 and 3             Allowance               Excess of 4.9             Allowance
and Micronaire below 3.2
in Grades 4 and 5

0.1                                  0.5                      0.1                      0.5
0.2                                  0.1                      0.2                      1.0
0.3                                  2.0                      0.3                      2.0
0.4                                  3.0                      0.4                      3.0
0.5                                  4.0                      0.5                      4.0

                                                            PART -II
                                                     (DOMESTIC TRANSACTION)
                                                     Dated; May 18, 2015
                                                          2014-2015 CROP

Bales     Station                     Rate              Bales           Station                       Rate
140       Vehari                      4900              200            Kassowal                 5700(Condition)
100       Vehari                      5590                         
                                                              PART - III
Registration:-                                                          Shipments:-
PERIOD - (MY 2014-15)              CROP                BALES            PERIOD- (MY 2014-15)            CROP             Bales
01-08-14 to 30-04-15            2013 - 2014            10,073           01-08-14 to 30-04-15           2013-14           10,170
01-08-14 to 30-04-15            2014 - 2015           592,707           01-08-14 to 30-04-15           2014-15          497,350
                                   Total:-            602,780                                           Total;-         507,520

Source: Trade Development Authority of Pakistan

                         PART -IV                                          PART - V
                         (IMPORTS)                               (Mills Consumption of Raw Cotton)
                                                                   Cotton Season 2014-2015

PERIOD - (MY 2014-15)           Qty. in MT            Month                         Bales
Aug., 14 to Jan., 2015           61,362               Aug., 14 to Jan.,2015       8,003,964
February, 2015                   17,540               February, 2015              1,318,471
                                 78,902               Total:-                     9,322,435

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

                      (ARRIVAL CROP 2014-15)                                         (COMPOSITE EXCHANGE RATES)
                     As on May 01, 2015 (Final)                                          Date; May 18, 2015
                                                 In Bales
                               Punjab             Sindh              Pakistan         Country     Selling    Buying       Sight
Total Arrivals              10,896,647         3,974,500           14,871,174
Sales to TCP                    59,200            35,700               94,900
" to Exporters                  78,218           396,956              474,174           USA        101.80    101.60       101.39
" to Mills                  10,604,062         3,469,133           14,073,195
Unsold Stocks as on 01-05-2015                                        227,905
Source: National Bank of Pakistan
Source: PCGA

                                          SUMMARY OF COTTON ARRIVAL IN 2014-15 AND 2013-14 AS ON 01.05.2015 (Final)

                                                            2014-15                                               2013-14
                                           PUNJAB            SINDH                TOTAL           PUNJAB           SINDH                TOTAL
Total Arrival:                           10,896,674        3,974,500            14,871,174       9,631,362       3,760,332            13,391,694
Difference in bales                       1,265,312          214,368             1,479,480
%                                             13,14             5.70                 11.05
Flow during this fortnight                    7,211                0                 7,211
Sales to TCP                                 59,200           35,700                94,900
Sales to Exporters                           78,218          396,956               475,174         123,826         275,556               399,382
Sales to Mills                           10,604,062        3,469,133            14,073,195       9,230,582       3,353,914            12,584,496
Unsold stocks                                                                      227,905                                               407,816

For more information, contact:
Karachi Cotton Association
The Cotton Exchange I.I Chundrigar Road,
Karachi, Pakistan.
Phone: +(92)242-5007, +(92)241-2570, +(92)241-6497
Fax: +(92)241-3035, +(92)241-2580

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