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Karachi Stock Exchange Closing Rate of Financial Services dated 31-10-2013

Karachi, October 31, 2013 (PPI-OT):

 Company Name                  Turnover   Prv.Rate   Highest   Lowest   Last Rate   Diff.
Financial Services
AHL       Arif Habib Ltd.X      42000       28.52    29.20     27.50      28.11    -0.41
FCSC      Ist.Capital Sec.      20500        2.60     2.69      2.50       2.69     0.09
FDIBL     Ist.Dawood Bank       32500        1.50     1.55      1.45       1.45    -0.05
FNEL      F. Nat.Equities       43500        3.60     3.69      3.52       3.61     0.01
FNELR1    F.Nat.Equities(R    1131500        0.56     0.70      0.46       0.47    -0.09
ICIBL     Invest Bank          259500        1.29     1.32      1.20       1.32     0.03
IGIBL     IGI Inv.Bank         121000        1.59     1.61      1.53       1.58    -0.01
JSCL      Jah.Sidd. Co.       8366000        7.57     7.67      7.30       7.46    -0.11
JSGCL     JS Global Cap.         5000       30.90    30.50     30.10      30.50    -0.40
JSIL      JS Investments       958000       10.17    10.15      9.65       9.87    -0.30
KASBSL    KASB Securities        6000        6.30     6.35      6.02       6.23    -0.07
MCBAH     MCB-ARIF Hab XD        1000       16.49    15.50     15.50      15.50    -0.99
NEXT      Next Capital            500        3.51     3.99      3.99       3.99     0.48
OLPL      Orix Leasing XD        3000       23.00    23.15     22.51      23.15     0.15
PASL      Pervez Ahmed         248500        2.77     2.80      2.50       2.68    -0.09
SCLL      Stand.ChartLeas         500        5.50     5.40      5.40       5.40    -0.10
SIBL      Sec. Inv. Bank         1500        2.01     2.10      2.10       2.10     0.09
SLCL      Security Leasing        500        3.50     3.00      3.00       3.00    -0.50
SPLC      Saudi Pak Leasin      46000        2.95     3.00      2.80       2.90    -0.05
TRIBL     Trust Inv.Bank        68000        1.30     1.29      1.25       1.25    -0.05

For more information, contact:
S. Munawar Ali
Senior Manager
Public Relations
Karachi Stock Exchange
Tel: (92-21) 111-001122
Fax: (92-21) 3241 0825, (92-21) 3241 5136

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