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Karachi Stock Exchange Stock Market Position on 20-04-2014

Karachi, April 20, 2015 (PPI-OT):

                                                    DAILY STOCK MARKET REPORT

                                             Market Position Printed On APR-20-2015

COMPANIES              KSE                 KSE-30       KSE-100      KSE-ALLSHARES      KMI-30          BATi             OGTi
POSITION               INDICES              INDEX        INDEX         INDEX             INDEX         INDEX            INDEX
Plus         153       Current            21290.06     33304.64       23371.26         54436.66       16934.27        17208.24
Minus        197       Previous           21164.47     33234.73       23333.77         54609.84       16495.27        17183.12
Unchanged     16       High               21525.42     33653.70       23568.47         55426.99       16994.71        17465.18
Total        366       Low                21157.75     33234.73       23333.77         54252.11       16495.27        17135.49
                       Net Change           125.59        69.91          37.49          -173.18         439.00           25.12
                       Percentage             0.59         0.21           0.16            -0.32           2.66            0.15

                    TURNOVER                           TRADING VALUE                         MARKET CAPITAL
Current           382,524,420                         20,130,664,506                       7,247,041,483,485
Previous          400,170,360                         19,236,571,761                       7,236,038,470,875

                                                COMPANIES REFLECTING SIGNIFICANT TURNOVER

Company Name                  Prv. Rate   Opening Rate   Closing Rate   Highest Rate    Low Rate            Turnover

Fauji Cement XD                 32.78        33.24          33.51          34.28         33.22             45,475,500
Byco Petroleum                  10.75        10.95          11.70          11.75         10.80             22,494,000
TRG Pak Ltd                     21.12        20.91          20.19          21.45         20.07             20,161,500
B.O.Punjab                       8.82         8.98           8.94           9.17          8.85             18,380,000
K-Electric Ltd.                  7.93         8.04           7.72           8.15          7.65             16,455,500
P.T.C.L.XD                      21.23        21.40          20.81          21.47         20.73             16,201,500
Pak Elektron                    64.00        64.65          61.23          64.95         60.80             15,882,000
Engro Foods Ltd.               137.97       140.00         143.44         144.86        138.50             14,497,000
Jah.Sidd. Co.                   22.24        22.45          21.19          22.55         21.13             13,416,000
MapleLeafCement XD              65.34        66.10          63.59          67.30         62.60             11,015,500


Company Name                  Increased By              Closing Rate       Company Name                Decreased By         Closing Rate

Indus Motor Co                  28.03                     1067.90          Unilever Foods                 200.00               8260.60
Pak Services                    22.00                      472.00          Colgate Palmolive               81.60               1558.40

                                                           FUTURE CONTRACT

TURNOVER                                Plus                      126
Current           62,705,500            Minus                      54
Previous          44,590,500            Unchanged                   3

Company Name                        Prv. Rate    Opening Rate    Closing Rate      Highest Rate      Low Rate     Turnover

PAEL-APR                              64.23         64.60            61.77            65.20            61.02     10,035,000
FCCL-APR                              32.91         33.30            33.56            34.32            33.30      8,346,000
EFOODS-APR                           138.36        139.90           143.64           145.27           138.90      5,112,500
MLCF-APR                              65.46         66.10            63.71            67.20            62.80      4,856,000
BOP-APR                                8.85          9.06             8.98             9.18             8.90      4,259,000

For more information, contact:
S. Munawar Ali
Senir Manager
Public Relations
Karachi Stock Exchange
Tel: (92-21) 111-001122
Fax: (92-21) 3241 0825, (92-21) 3241 5136

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