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Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry strongly condemns Modi’s threat, demands construction of Kalabagh Dam immediately

Lahore, November 27, 2016 (PPI-OT): The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry has strongly condemned the Modi’s threat to stop every drop of water for Pakistan saying that this ugly statement of Indian Prime Minister has proved the opponents of Kalabagh Dam are actually safeguarding the Indian interests and are fully involved in the conspiracy to harm Pakistan.

In a statement issued here, the LCCI President Abdul Basit, Senior Vice President Amjad Ali Jawa and Vice President Muhammad Nasir Hameed Khan said that threat of Indian Prime has fully cleared the intensions of India. Government should not only raise this issue at international level but should also start construction of Kalabagh dam without wasting more time.

They said that this matter should be taken very seriously, government should take strict action against Indian threat to Pakistan and it should be cleared to India that Pakistan would go to any extent for its right. “Any laxity by the Pakistani side would encourage India to implement its threat that would turn country into a desert and we would be left with no other option but to import commodities to feed huge population”, they added.

The LCCI office-bearers said that government should not listen to the anti-Pakistani elements on Kalabagh Dam and start its construction immediately as any further delay would be as like as to protecting the Indian interests. They that water resources in Pakistan are depleting rapidly and we cannot afford to waste huge amount of water to the sea. They said that Kalabagh Dam is the most feasible project for national economy that could be completed within five years. They said that political circles are talking about Bhasha dam construction of which 10 times more difficult than Kalabagh Dam.

They said that around $13 billion would be required for only construction of Bhasha dam while other expenses of billions would also be occurred besides the cost. For example, they said, around 150km area of Karakorum High way would have to be reconstructed with the cost of $6 to 7 billion and hundreds precious lives. They said that around $3 billion more would be required for transmission line from Bhasha to national grid. They said that collectively more than $20 billion would be required for construction of Bhasha dam.

They said that Kalabagh Dam would produce 3600 MW or 31.4 billion watts of electricity annually at the cost of only Rs.2.50 per unit while after the time span of five years, when Kalabagh Dam will bring back its construction cost, it would produce electricity at the rate of only Rs. 1 per unit and country would save $ 4 billion annually in the account of electricity production.

They further said that one million acre feet saved water gives benefit of around $ 2 billion to the economy. They said that Kalabagh dam would give benefit of $ 14 billion to the national economy as its water storage capacity would be 7 million acre feet. They urged the government not to consider the Indian agents and start construction of Kalabagh dam immediately.

For more information, contact:
Information Department
Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI)
Lahore -54000, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-111-222-499
Fax: +92-42-36368854

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