Islamabad, September 06, 2013 (PPI-OT): For us the Defence Day of Pakistan signifies passion and sacrifice, serving as a supreme cause to lay our lives for the sake of our beloved homeland. This glorious day, where whole Pakistani nation stood side by side its Armed Forces, calls upon us to make a pledge to renew spirit of loyalty and service to Pakistan and pay tribute to valiant sons who embraced ‘Shahadat’ while ensuring the security of the nation.
September 6, allows us to reflect upon the courage and valour of our soldiers who had defeated a numerically large enemy and inflicted upon them a great setback. As Pakistan is moving towards a path of progress, we shall always remember supreme sacrifices of these sons who laid down their lives for our prosperous tomorrow.
The defence of the country is not limited to 6 September alone, rather stretches upon an entire lifetime and encompasses all dimensions of physical and ideological frontiers which need to be guarded.
Celebrating this day helps us in reinvigorating the spirit of patriotism. Today Pakistan is confronted with multiple security challenges in shape of extremism, terrorism and external aggression, the entire nation stands alongside Pakistan Defence Forces to thwart evil designs against integrity and prosperity of Pakistan.
Our soldiers are our greatest asset as they not only offer their precious lives for fighting in battlefields but also remain prepared to undertake the responsibility of working as a cohesive force in very challenging situation, may it be horrifying earthquakes or the devastating floods. The resolve and personal sacrifices of our men in arms is a great source of inspiration for whole nation.
On this special day, the whole nation stands united with utmost discipline and unwavering faith to make this country strong. We, by playing our part in the development of the country, can make Pakistan unassailable against security and economic challenges. Let us take the opportunity to once again pay homage to the martyrs of September 6, 1965 and all those who sacrificed their lives for the safety of the country in the later years.
Pakistan Zindabad!
Pakistan Armed Forces Zindabad!
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