Karachi, February 12, 2015 (PPI-OT): The President of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) said that textile industry is one of the most important manufacturing sector of Pakistan and has the longest production chain. He further said that the textile industry in Punjab is badly affected due to shortage of energy.
In order to address the energy shortage of the textile industry in Punjab in winter season, the government suspended gas supply to ROUSCH Power and released the same to the textile industry for the last couple of months, he said.
Mian Idrees further said that due to restoration of gas supply to ROUSCH Power it has been suspended to textile industry in Punjab which put them in adverse situation. He said that due to non-supply of gas the production activity in textile industry of Punjab will be hampered which will lead to un-employment and decrease in the textile exports of the country.
It will also deny the possible benefit of GSP plus which could have accrued to Pakistan. This may also cause the failure of newly announced textile policy. The President FPCCI urged the Prime Minister, Federal Minister for Natural Resources, Federal Minister for Finance and Chief Minister Punjab to immediately restore the gas supply of the textile industry and suggested that the ROUSCH Power should be kept on alternative energy supply for further one month so that textile industry of Punjab may continue its production activity.
For more information, contact:
M. A. Lodhi
Secretary General
Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI)
B-1, Federation House, Main Clifton Road,
Karachi-75600, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-35873691, 93-94
Fax: +92-21-35874332
Email: info@fpcci.com.pk
URL: www.fpcci.com.pk