Modaraba Al-Mali’s results for the quarter ended September 30, 2011

Karachi: We have to inform you that the Board of Directors of BankIslami Modaraba Investments Limited, Management Company of Modaraba Al-Mali (MODAM), in their meeting held today at 04:30 p.m. approved the followings:

i) Cash Dividend       Nil
ii) Bonus Issue        Nil
iii) Right Issue       Nil

The un- audited Financial Results for the 1st quarter ended September 30, 2011 are attached herewith.

Profit and Loss Account for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2011 (Un-Audited)



30 September

30 September




Income from maintenance services  15,458,833 8,595,627
Income from Ijarah finance 8,143,844 7,289,315
Income from operation of fuel station  20  (56,145)  –
Profit on diminishing Musharaka finance  268,566  1,102,606
Profit on investments in sukuk certificate  27,412  425,966
Profit on morabaha finance  1,660  9,578
Other operating income  11 800,496  725,271
 ———-  ———-
24,644,666 18,148,363
Profit distribution on borrowings 92,627
Depreciation on assets under Ijarah arrangements  811,930 785,328
Operating costs  24,462,359 17,018,287
———- ———-
 25,274,289 17,896,242
 ———-  ———-
(629,623)  252,121
Impairment reversal – net  16,340 285,280
 ———-  ———-
(613,283) 537,401
Modaraba company’s management fee  (53,740)
———-  ———-
(Loss) /profit for the quarter  (613,283) 483,661
Taxation 12 (45,744)
Other comprehensive income
 ———- ———-
Total (loss) / profit after comprehensive income (659,027) 483,661
———- ———-
Earnings per certificate – basic and diluted  (0.033)  0.026


The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

BankIslami Modaraba Investments Limited Modaraba Management Company

For more information, contact:
Modaraba Al-Mali
10th Floor, Progressive Square,
Opp. Nursery, Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Karachi, Pakistan
Ph: (92-21) 34547521
Fax: (92-21) 34547526

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