Pakistan denies Israel trade after businessman’s export

Islamabad, April 02, 2023 (PPI-OT):It has been reported on social media that the first export shipment of Pakistan food products reached Israel, sent by Pakistani-Jewish businessman Mr. Fishel BenKhald recently as per the statement issued by the American Jewish Congress from its New York headquarters. The deal was reportedly finalized in a trade exhibition held in UAE recently.

Pakistan does not have diplomatic ties with Israel and does not recognize it as a sovereign state and neither it trades with Israel nor has banking relations. Pakistan Customs have confirmed that no shipment has been exported from Pakistan to Israel.

In case, if any goods or commodities of Pakistan origin are exported through a third country, it cannot be termed as Pakistan exports to any country including Israel. As neither the shipment was exported directly to Israel, nor payment received in any Pakistani bank, terming it trade between Pakistan and Israel is misleading and factually in correct. The Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Commerce clarifies that no trade has taken place between Pakistan and Israel.

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