Breaking News

The Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited’s notice of the extraordinary General Meting

Karachi: Notice Is Hereby Given that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Berger Paints Pakistan Limited will be held on Monday, June 27, 2011 at 10.00 a.m. at the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Chamber of Commerce Building, Talpur Road, Karachi, to transact the following business:

1. To inform minutes of Annual General Meeting held on October 26, 2010.

2. Subject to the approval of shareholders to elect 7 directors of the company, for a term of three years, in accordance with section 178 of the Companies Ordinance 1984. The names of retiring directors are as follow:

1. Mr. Sikander Dada
2. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
2. Mr. Hamid Masood Sohail
4. Mr. Muhammad Naseem
5. Mr. Maqbool H. H. Rahimtoola
6. Mr. C. H. Clover
7. Mr. Ilyas Sharif

3. To transact any other business with the permission of the Chair.


1. The Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from June 21, 2011 to June 27, 2011 (both days inclusive).

2. A member of the Company entitled to attend, speak and vote at the meeting may appoint another member as his/her proxy to attend, speak and vote on his/her behalf. The completed proxy form must be received at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the meeting.

3. CDC Account Holders will further have to follow the under-mentioned guidelines as laid down by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan:

a. For Attending the Meeting:

i. In case of individuals, the account holder or sub-account bolder and / or the person whose securities are in group account and their registration details are uploaded as per the regulations, shall authenticate /his/her identity by showing his/her National Identity card (NIC) or original passport at the time.

ii. In case of corporate entity. The Board of Director’s resolution /power of attorney with specimen signatures of the nominee shall be produced (unless it has been provided earlier) at the time of meeting.

b. For Appointing Proxies:

i. In case of individuals, the account holder or sub-account bolder and or the person whose securities are in group account end their registration details are uploaded as per Regulations, shall submit the proxy form as per the above requirement.

ii. The proxy form shall be witnessed by two persons whose name, addresses and NIC numbers shall be mentioned.

iii. Attested copies of the NIC or the passport of the beneficial owners and the proxy shall be furnished with the proxy form.

iv. The proxy shall produce his/her original NIC or original passport at the time or meeting.

v. In case of corporate entity. The Board of Director’s resolution/ power of attorney with specimen signatures shall be submitted (unless it has been provided earlier) along with proxy form to the Company.

4. The Form of proxy to be valid must be properly filled-in/executed and received at the Company’s Registered Office not later than 45 hours before the time of meeting.

5. Members are requested to notify, the Shares Registrar of the Company promptly of any change in their addresses.

6. Members who have not yet submitted photocopies of their Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) are requested to sand the same to our shores Registrar at the earliest.

For more information, contact:
Karachi Stock Exchange
Tel: +9221 111-001122
Fax: +9221 3241 0825, +9221 3241 5136

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