Karachi: Subsequent to the approval letter of SECP dated June 15; 2011 approving the IPO of TPL Direct Insurance Limited, we are pleased to inform the Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited (KSE) or Exchange, that the following Book Building dates of TPL Direct Insurance have been finalized:
June 21, 2011 – June 22, 2011 (Both days inclusive)
The Book will run for 2 days and AKD Securities Limited (“AKDS”), being the Lead Manager and Book Runner (“LM and BR”) will accept bids from the institutional investors and HNWIs in accordance with the Listing regulations,
Book Building Forms and Preliminary Prospectus will be made available on www.akdsecurities.net for downloading.
Initial Public Offering of ordinary shares of TPL Direct Insurance Limited (“the Company”) through Book Building Process at a Floor Price of PKR 10/- per share
TPL Direct Insurance Limited is issuing 15,000,000 Ordinary Shares (32.60% of the total post-IPO paid-up capital of the Company at face value of PKR 10/- each), whereby 10,000,000 Ordinary Shares (66.70% of the issue) are being issued through book building process to Institutional investors and High-Net-Worth Individuals, whereas the remaining 5,000,000 Ordinary Shares (33.3% of the issue) will be issued to the General Public at the Strike Price.
Instructions for Filling the Bidding form
1. The bidding period shall remain open for 2 working days commencing from the business hours at 9:00 am on June 21, 2011 and will close at 5:00 p.m. on June 22, 2011 at the close of business hours.
2. Fill in all the particulars of the form accurately in Block Letters.
3. Kindly provide an attested copy of NIC or passport (in case of HNWI) or NTN Certificate (in case of financial institution) or Certificate of Incorporation (in Case of companies) along with the bidding form.
4. Applicants are requested to provide accurate contact details. Please provide accurate landline number(s), mobile number(s), fax number(s) and email addresses.
5. Submit complete bidding form along with the margin money via demand draft, pay order or cheque in favor of A/C “Initial Public Offering of TPL Direct Insurance Limited – Book Building Account” at any of the following bidding centers:
Contact Officer: Mr. Syed Khurram Shahid
Direct No: +92-21-35374301
Mobile No: +92-333-310-4756
PABX No: +92-21-111-253-111
Fax No: +92-21-35867992
Email: khurram.shahid@akdsecurities.net
Postal Address: AKD Securities Limited
6th Floor, Continental Trade Centre
Block 8, Clifton, Karachi
Contact Officer: Mr. Ehsan Ahmad Qureshi
Direct No: +92-42-36280742
Mobile No: +92-334-411-1253
PABX No: +92-42-111-253-111
Fax No: +92-42-36280745
Email: ehsan.ahmad@akdtrade.com
Postal Address: AKD Trade
Room No. 512/513, 5th Floor,
Lahore Stock Exchange Building, Lahore
Contact Officer: Mr. Khalid Hussain
Direct No: +92-51-2894325
Mobile No: +92-332-2125525
PABX No: +92-51-111-253-111
Fax No: +92-51-2894323
Email: malik.khalid@akdtrade.com
Postal Address: AKD Trade
303, 3rd Floor, ISE Towers, Jinnah Avenue
Blue Area, Islamabad
6. Cash should not be submitted with Bidding Form at the Bid Collection Center.
7. The Bid should be submitted on the Prescribed Bidding Form in Person or Through Fax at Number mentioned in note 5 above.
8. The bidders are requested to fill in both the original and duplicate copy of bidding forms completely. Upon submission, they will receive back the duly singed and stamped duplicate form of their bids which will be proof of their bid submission, In case of facsimile, a copy of form with receiving will be faxed back to the bidder.
9. Bids can be placed at “limit price”, “strike order”, or “step bid”.
10. Bid/margin money shall be deposited through demand draft/pay order/ cheque. The applicant, if HNWI, shall submit amount of 100% of the application money as bid/margin money whereas Institutional Investors shall submit not less than 25%.of the application money.
11. The Book Runners shall collect an amount to the extent of 100% of the application money as bid/margin money in respect of bids placed by HNWIs.
12. The Book Runners shall collect an amount of not less than 25% of the application money as margin money in respect of bids placed by institutional investors.
13. Bidders can revise or withdraw their bids during the bidding period (for details) please refer to Para 2, 12 and 2, 14 of the preliminary Prospectus.
Book Runners shall not accept any bid after 5:00 p.m. during the days of the bidding period, except the last day when no fresh bid(s) shall be collected after 5:00 p.m. and the bid(s) collected thus far, shall be required to be entered into the system by 7:00 p.m on the same day and thereafter no bid shall be entered into the system or be revised in any way and for any reason even if the bid application has been received from the investor.
14. The bidder can view the color of the book i.e., Bid price and number of shares against each bid price online anytime during the bidding period at the following website: www.akdsecurities.net .
15. Successful bidders shall be intimated, within two working day of the closing of the bidding period, the strike price and the number of shares provisionally allotted to each of them.
16. The successful institutional bidders shall, within seven working days of the closing of the bidding period, deposit the balance amount, if required, as consideration against allotment of shares.
17. Where a successful bidder defaults in payment of shares allotted to him, the margin money deposited by such bidder shall be forfeited to the Book Runners.
18. Final allotment of shares out of the Book Building issue shall be made after receipt of full subscription money from the successful bidders; however, shares to such bidders shall be transferred at the time of transfer of shares out of the public issue to successful applicants.
For more information, contact:
Karachi Stock Exchange
Tel: +9221 111 001 122
Fax: +9221 3241 0825, +9221 3241 5136
Email: info@kse.com.pk
Web: www.kse.com.pk