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8 months progress of CDA’s Enforcement Directorate

Islamabad, May 18, 2020 (PPI-OT): CDA administration in the recently started exercise has decided to take performance review of all formations of the Authority. In this context performance of the Enforcement Directorate will be reviewed in coming week. Protection of state land from encroachment is among primary responsibilities of Directorate of Enforcement. Protection or retrieval of state land from encroachment or illegal occupation directly means protection of state assets. Enforcement Directorate of CDA conducted a large number of operations during current year for retrieval of state land from the illegal occupants.

From July,2019 to February,2020 Enforcement Directorate conducted 758 anti-encroachment operations in different areas of the city. During these operations, 5019 illegally constructed structure on state land were demolished / razed. It was further informed that 6697 articles were confiscated during this period. The meeting was further told that a fine amounting to Rs.735400/- was also collected from the encroachers. These operations were conducted by Enforcement Directorate in very difficult circumstances. In a number of such operations Enforcement Directorate personnel faced resistance and even suffered injuries.

For more information, contact:
Public Relations Directorate
Capital Development Authority (CDA)
Main Office, G-7/4, Islamabad
Tel: +92-51-9252614

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