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Alphanote, Japan-born Support Platform of Indie Music, Being Deployed in India

TOKYO, Dec. 11, 2017 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ — Alphanote, a unit of Senko Group Holdings Co., Ltd., launched in India on December 11 its innovative free music streaming platform to support independent musicians and to serve the growing demand for music in the region. The service
will be deployed in other countries in Asia, in Latin America and other parts of the world in the near future.


Alphanote is aiming to rejuvenate the music industry with its new free music stream platform, connecting music creators, listeners and fans with the best music experience. The unique combination of the latest technology and influencer-based marketing strategy is alphanote’s key advantage, effectively platforming the influencer model for the music industry for the first time.

The alphanote app available both on iOS and Android comes with many useful features such as features that bring monetary benefits to musicians like merchandise stores, event management and social tipping, or enrich their musical experience in any way. Also data collecting such GPS location tracking is an important feature which guarantees the quality of data and analytics.

“This Indian launch is part of alphanote’s strategy to develop new Indie music streaming services internationally,” said alphanote founder Kengo Senuma. “Alphanote will hold a Battle of the Bands at NMIMS in India. We will collaborate with NMIMS University and support young people who dream of succeeding as musicians. During this period, musicians who have registered their songs with alphanote and made their songs available on the platform will
be selected as finalists to compete in the final game on stage. The winner will be supported by alphanote in his/her future as a musician. In addition, alphanote is supporting India’s largest two-day multi-genre concert ‘Comio EVC Mumbai 2017’ introduced by Enchanted Valley Carnival. This effort will lead us to collaborations with India’s most wonderful Indie musicians and excite the Indie music scene.”

About alphanote
Alphanote connects musicians, music creators and fans globally with a free music distribution app like no other streaming business has succeeded, and creates an enough alternative revenue stream on top of this for musicians other than selling their music or their licenses including social tipping, selling concert tickets, selling merchandise and crowdfunding for various projects.

SOURCE: Senko Group Holdings Co., Ltd.

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