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Chief Minister Punjab Pledges to Provide Relief to the Masses by Various Ongoing Mega Projects Across Punjab

Lahore, July 26, 2020 (PPI-OT): Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has remarked that work on various mega projects is ongoing to provide facilitation to the citizens of Lahore. He disclosed that we have started such projects which would provide them relief in the real sense. He highlighted that neither our government did oral calculations nor launched artificial or exhibitory projects. Usman Buzdar informed that we would construct state-of-the-art hospital near Punjab University and added that latest treatment facilities would be provided to the Lahorites. He apprised that 600-bed state-of-the-art mother and child healthcare centre is under completion in Ganga Ram Hospital.

He maintained that we would complete Firdous Market Underpass Project in a record period of time to reduce volume of traffic in Lahore. He intimated that in order to conserve rainwater, the biggest underground water storage of the country is being constructed. He emphasized that the stored rainwater can be utilized for irrigation and other purposes. CM highlighted that water drainage problems would be resolved with the construction of a drain from the Haji Camp to River Ravi.

He remarked that he himself monitors progress on the ongoing development projects in the provincial cities including Lahore. He regretted that development in the past was done on papers only and added that PTI government on the contrary believes in undertaking practical steps. He stated that now development is also seen on the ground and vowed that PTI government is pursuing on its vision to ensure progress of the people.

CM highlighted that development projects have been initiated in the backward areas and in the big cities after ascertaining public needs. He stressed that backward districts of South Punjab are being given equal importance in the journey of progress. He outlined that Punjab government has started work on various special economic zones in the last two years. He disclosed that Punjab government is soon going to initiate work on special economic zone in Bahawalpur. Usman Buzdar highlighted that we are making mother and child cardiology hospital and general hospital in South Punjab. CM pledged that no city, area or village of Punjab will remain deprived of the fruits of progress.

For more information, contact:
Directorate General Public Relations
Government of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-9201390-86

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