Breaking News

Delegation of Islamabad Bar Association calls on HCJP

Islamabad, April 26, 2018 (PPI-OT): A 12 member delegation of Islamabad Bar Association headed by its president Mr. Riasat Ali Azad and comprising other office bearers paid a courtesy call on the honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mr. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, in Supreme Court Islamabad today i.e. 26.04.2018. The delegation told the honourable Chief Justice that Islamabad Bar Association fully supports the public interest litigation initiatives of the honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan for redressal of grievances of the public at large. They further said that general public also appreciates their initiatives.

The honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan acknowledged the role of the bar in the administration of justice and added that their cooperation is very crucial in achieving the goal of administration of justice. They apprised the honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan about the issues faced by them. His lordships assured them of his fullest support to resolve their issues. In the end, the delegation thanked the honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan for taking out time to meet them

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Public Relations Officer
Supreme Court of Pakistan
Tel: +92 51 9204184, 9220581
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