Breaking News

Former Child Ombudsman of Norway Hjermann meets Advisor to Prime Minister on Human Rights

Islamabad, December 05, 2012 (PPI-OT): Former Child Ombudsman of Norway Mr. Hjermann called on Advisor to Prime Minister to Human Rights Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar in Islamabad. During the meeting the issue of protection of children and promotion of their rights came under discussion.

Advisor to PM Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar said that after the 18th Amendment the subject of child rights has been devolved to the provinces however keeping in view the importance of the issue the federal government is focusing on the legislation to address the issues of the children.

The Advisor apprised the Ombudsman that work is being done on the establishment of National Commission on Children that will be independent financially and administratively like the recently established commissions on the Human rights and status of women. Moreover he said that child rights bill which includes increasing age of criminal liability of children that is currently 7 years, penalizing internal child trafficking and penalizing child pornography is also under consideration.

The Advisor also reiterated that provision of conducive environment for the development of children is the need of the hour. He said that a bill has been recently passed for the free and compulsory education of the children of age 5 to 16 years of age. Additionally he said that as a responsible member of UN Pakistan is committed to fulfill and implement all the treaties, obligations and conventions and in order to materialize these commitments, a number of legislative measures have been taken by the present democratically elected government.

It was also brought to the notice of the Ombudsman that approval for the appointment of human right defenders for women, children and minorities has also been sought that will contribute further in addressing the issues of children, women and minorities and improving human right situation in Pakistan.

For more information, contact:
Haji Ahmed Malik
Principal Information Officer
Press Information Department (PID)
Tel: +9251 925 2323 and +9251 925 2324
Fax: +9251 925 2325 and +9251 925 2326

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