Breaking News

IUST students protests against fresh killings

Srinagar, October 17, 2018 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, students of Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) Awantipora held a protest demonstration against the fresh killings by Indian troops in Fateh Kadal area of Srinagar, today.

Class work was suspended in IUST after news spread about the killing of a house owner civilian along with two other youth by the troops in Srinagar. The students raised slogans and marched towards the main market where clashes broke out between protesting students and forces’ personnel when they reached at highway in Awantipora. The road leading to the university campus was blocked by protesting students.

For more information, contact:
Kashmir Media Service
Phone: +92-51-4435548, +92-51-4435549
Fax: +92-51-4861736

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