Breaking News

Media reports regarding 45% increase in foreign loans in 5-months period are completely incorrect and misleading

Islamabad, December 18, 2020 (PPI-OT): Media reports regarding 45% increase in foreign loans in 5-months period are completely incorrect and misleading. The key facts are as follows:

During first five-months of current fiscal year (July-November, 2020), the government received gross external inflows of US$4.5 billion as against the annual budgeted estimate of US$ 14.37 billion.

During this period, the government paid back US$ 2.9 billion on account of external public debt and its servicing. Thus, net inflow was US$1.6 billion. Budgeted estimate of external debt payment its servicing for FY2020-21 is US$ 11.369 billion.

During the tenure of current Government, total external inflow amounted to US$ 26.6 billion which were primarily used for repayment of external public debt and its servicing of US$ 23.4 billion. Thus, net inflow was US$ 3.2 billion during the tenure of present government.

For more information, contact:
Principal Information Officer,
Press Information Department (PID)
Tel: +92-51-9252323, +92-51-9252324
Fax: +92-51-9252325, +92-51-9252326

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