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Pakistani Finance Minister Assures Support for Private Sector Growth

Islamabad, In a meeting with representatives from the Aerated Beverage Industry, including Ghazi Akhtar, President of Lotte Akhtar Beverages, and Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan Dr. Mehmet Pacaci, Finance Minister Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb pledged the government’s commitment to supporting private sector enterprises. The industry representatives presented tax proposals aimed at enhancing their growth and contributing to the national revenue.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Minister Aurangzeb expressed appreciation for the industry’s response to government economic policies and reassured them of ongoing support within the government’s fiscal capabilities. The discussions focused on potential adjustments to the Federal Excise Duty to aid the growth of the aerated beverage sector.

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Delhi Authorities to Prosecute Author Arundhati Roy and Scholar Sheikh Showkat Over 2010 Speech

New Delhi, In a move raising significant concerns about free speech in India, Delhi's Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena has authorized the prosecution of prominent Indian author Arundhati Roy and Kashmiri academic Sheikh Showkat Hussain for speeches they ...

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