We won war in 1965 again we will be victorious in war against terrorism: Qaim Ali Shah

Karachi, September 06, 2015 (PPI-OT): “A war our army fought in 1965 and won it and a war our army is fighting today against terrorism and Inshallah we will win it also because in both the wars our army had and has the unflinching support of the nation.”

This was stated by Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah while addressing on the occasion of golden Jubilee celebration of Pakistan Defence Day organised by Sindh government at Banquet Hall of CM House today. The celebration were attended by Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani, DG Rangers Major General Bilal Akbar, AVM Salman Ahsan Bukhari, Vice admiral Syed Arifullah Hussaini, provincial ministers, elected representatives, businessmen, member of civil society and notables.

He said that in 1965 war our army fought with Indian army which was more equipped and had more numerical strength than ours but “our army had full support of the nation and even our artists such as Mehdi Hassan and Noor Jenah further inculcated the national spirit of our armed forces with their songs. As a result, we defeated a big army,” he said proudly.

The chief minister said that Pakistan army is considered one of the best armies in the world. “We are proud of our forces. We cannot forget the sacrifices of our soldiers who saved with country with their blood. On this day I salute to the mothers, sisters and sons who lost their dear ones for the sake of this country,” he said.

Syed Qaim Ali Shah further said that Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto strengthened the defence of the country by making it a nuclear power. Shaheed Benazir Bhutto developed missile technology. “Today the borders of our country are more secure because of our professionally strong forces,” he said.

Talking about war against terrorism, the chief minister said that the tremors of terrorism were felt by everyone but our Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif felt them deeply. “I must praise him for his courage and spontaneous respond. He moved his forces in the epicentre of terrorism (northern areas) and launched a vigorous operation which has produced encouraging results,” he said and added that today terrorist activities have come down by 80 percent in Karachi.

He also lauded political leadership, including former President Asif Ali Zardari for supporting the operation launched under National Action Plan (NAP). “This is a collective effort where civil and army leadership is on the same page,” he said.

He also praised DG Rangers Major General Bilal Akbar and IG Sindh Ghulam Hyder Jamali for their collective efforts to restore peace in Karachi. “Our police and Rangers personnel have laid their lives for the sake of peace in Karachi and I cannot forget their sacrifices,” he said and recalled the recent Eid shopping and outing of Karachiites on the sea side as worth mentioning examples of improved law and order n Karachi.

Syed Qaim Ali Shah was sure that the armed forces would shortly uproot the terrorism from the country. Chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani addressing on the occasion said that Pakistan Army has always played its due role assigned to them under the Constitution of Pakistan. “Wars cannot be won merely by army until they have the support of the nation and our nation has always stood by our forces whether it was the war of 1965 or the on-going war against terrorism,” he said.

Talking about present situation, the chairman senate said that on the international border, the Loc or working boundary tension is going on. The innocent people of Pakistan are being killed by Indian forces. “I have visited Sialkot and my heart moved deeply when I saw 5 to 8 years old children lying on the stretchers in serious injured condition. I think these kids would lead their entire life on crutches,” he said.

Raza Rabbani lamented that the US leader visited Pakistan and made the demanded of `do more’, as a matter of fact she should have visited Sialkot to witness the aggression of India army and their designs to bridle them (India) but she didn’t. It was not first deceit of USA but “we are witnessed to your (USA) previous deceits. We were waiting for your fleet which never turned up,” he recalled.

He also criticized OIC for their silence on the Indian aggression. “Our people come out onto the streets when anything wrong happens in any Muslim country anywhere in the world but not a single Muslim country has raised voice against Indian shelling,” he deplored.

The chairman Senate said that the role once given to Shah of Iran is being played by Indian Prime Minister Mr Moodi. “We would not accept it because we stand united against `you’.” he said. He thanked the chief minister for arranging such a beautiful function where civil and army leadership is sitting together under a one roof.

Air Vice Marshal Salman Ahsan Bukhari said that the spirit of the pilots he had witnessed in 1965 has multiplied many times today. “In 1965 we had limited resources even then with the spirit of nationalism and unity of the nation we had destroyed the Indian forces,” he said and added that the inclusion of JF-17 in the fleet has further strengthened the air force of the country.

Vice Admiral Syed Arifullah Hussaini “today we are not celebrating the war but we are celebrating the national spirit which was high in 1965 has reached now to its climax against war on terror.” He said that under a conspiracy our economy is being destroyed. “These are the tactics of modern war fares. We have to unite against this conspiracy. Destruction of economy means destruction of nation, therefore we have to work carefully and restore peace so that economy can be developed,” he said.

Vice Admiral further said “we are great nation. In our country there is no stratification as is evident in our neighbouring country. The nations fail when they lose unity and faith. Today with grace of God we have an exemplary unity and faith in our ranks,” he said.

Earlier Chief Minister’s Special Assistant on Culture Sharmila Farooqui welcomed the guests and paid rich tribute to the martyrs of 1965 war. The golden jubilee celebrations were started with recitation from Holy, Quran and then national anthem was played. Leading signers sung national songs and their music enthralled the guests.

For more information, contact:
Mr. Allah Bachayo Memon
Press Secretary
Chief Minister House
Tel: +92-21-99202019
Cell: +92-300-3524057 (Ext: 336)

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