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18 UN resolutions certify Kashmir’s disputed status: Waza

Srinagar, January 17, 2014 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, APHC leader and Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League Chairman, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza has said that the 18 resolutions passed by the United Nations from time to time since India occupied the territory illegally, certify that Jammu and Kashmir is an international dispute.

Mukhtar Ahmad Waza addressing Friday congregation in Kulgam, today, demanded that Kashmir must be resolved as per these UN resolutions, guaranteeing the Kashmiris’ right-to-self determination.

“The intransigent stance of India on Kashmir is the main hurdle to resolve the long-pending dispute,” he added.

He said that the lingering dispute could only be resolved through implementation of the UN resolutions and India must take concrete steps in this regard.

“The people of Kashmir have never accepted the illegal Indian occupation and will continue their struggle to achieve their right to self-determination”, Waza maintained.

Waza urged India to end its policy of oppression in Kashmir and create an atmosphere conducive for implementation of resolutions of United Nations or tripartite talks aimed at resolving the dispute according to the aspirations of Kashmiris.

Waza also appealed UN, OIC and human rights organizations including Amnesty International and Asian Watch to put pressure on India to stop human right violations and settle the Kashmir dispute without any further delay.

For more information, contact:
Kashmir Media Service
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