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Applications for the British Chevening Scholarships 2012-13 programme Now Open

Karachi: The one year long postgraduate study programme will enable Pakistani students to become familiar with the UK; gain new skills.

Applications for the 2012-13 ‘British Chevening Scholarship’ programme in Pakistan are now open. The Chevening scheme offers successful candidates one year fully funded post graduate scholarships for study in the UK. For the 2012-13 programme scholarships are offered in the following areas of study:

• Journalism
• Human Right
• Public Administration
• Economics and Business
• Security and Conflict Resolution

Mr. Adam Thomson, UK High Commissioner to Pakistan said:

“Chevening is a highly competitive process designed to identify the most promising of the next generation of leaders and influencers to promote an affinity and greater understanding between our two cultures. We are very pleased to welcome new Scholars to study in the UK and wish them good luck for their future positions of influence and leadership in Pakistan. I hope that those who take part in this programme make the most of the opportunity to gain new skills but I also hope that these scholars will be able to utilise their studies to benefit Pakistan upon their return.”

The one year long postgraduate study programme will enable Pakistani students to become familiar with the UK; gain new skills, or update current professional skills; and play a decisive role in Pakistan’s development upon completing their studies.

The closing date for applications is 23 January 2011. Further information about the Scholarships programme and details on how to apply can be found on the British Council’s website (

For more information, contact:
George Sherriff
Press Attaché
Sarah Cowley
Head of Press and Public Affairs
British High Commission
Tel: +9251 201 2000
Cell: +92300 500 5306

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