British aid: 37 new schools and 49 bridges rebuilt after earthquake

Islamabad, September 06, 2012 (PPI-OT): The last of 37 new schools and 49 new steel bridges funded by the UK have been rebuilt and are now in use by thousands of people, thanks to a successful partnership between the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Government of Pakistan.

The schools and bridges replace those destroyed by the devastating 7.6 magnitude earthquake in 2005, which marks its seven year anniversary next month. More than 73,000 people were killed, including 850 teachers and 18,000 students. Another 128,000 people were injured and 3.5 million left homeless.

Today George Turkington, the Head of DFID in Pakistan, inaugurated Ali Akbar Awan boys high school in Muzaffarabad, which houses 1650 students and has been completed in time for the new school year. Mr Turkington also inaugurated Majohi Steel Bridge, and met with students from the Government Girls High School Madina Market, both built with funding from the UK Government. All are designed to withstand future earthquakes up to 8 on the Richter scale.

Speaking in Muzaffarabad, George Turkington, Head of the UK Government’s Department for International Development in Pakistan, said:

“With more than 73,000 people’s lives lost and up to two-thirds of infrastructure destroyed, the damage and disruption caused by the 2005 earthquake was immense. The UK worked closely in partnership with the Government of Pakistan first to provide vital lifesaving aid, then to rebuild schools and bridges, to help bring back stability and normality to the region.

“Our long term support over the last seven years has helped people who survived the disaster to build a better future for themselves and their families. This warm partnership is testament to the deep and long ties between our two countries, bound together through family, history, and business.”

The UK Government also contributed to a larger fund, working closely with the Government of Pakistan, to help rebuild more than 750 schools, nearly half-a-million family houses, and 850 government offices across areas affected by the earthquake.

Seven years ago, the UK was the first to scramble an emergency search and rescue team to the worst hit areas after the devastating earthquake shook northern Pakistan. Tents, helicopters, medical care, clean water and toilets, air support, and other lifesaving aid followed within days for millions of people.

Sardar Muhammad Ishaque Khan, Deputy Director General SERRA, said:

“The UK’s support immediately after the earthquake and in the seven years since has been exceptional. Schools are essential to our State’s future prosperity. And bridges keep the arteries of our State flowing. The UK has played a major role working side-by-side us to help rebuild this vital infrastructure after the huge damage done by the devastating earthquake in 2005.

“The Government and the people of AJ and K will remember the sizable support and fraternity shown by the Govt. and people of the United Kingdom in the post-earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program in AJ and K.”

Total funding for people affected by the 2005 Earthquake from the UK Government comes to some £139 million (approx. 20 billion rupees).

In addition to this earthquake support, the UK is working in partnership across Pakistan to help get millions more children in to school and learning more; prevent thousands of women dying in childbirth; enable millions more of the poorest to access microfinance and banking services; and provide expert advice to improve delivery of government services to the public.

The UK Government also provided immediate lifesaving support to millions of people after the devastating floods in 2010 and 2011, and has since helped millions more to rebuild their houses and get back on their feet.

For more information, contact:
Mike Girling
Press Attache
British High Commission
Tel: +9251 201 2000
Cell: +92300 500 5306

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