British Government launches clampdown on ‘beds in sheds’ to protect migrants

Islamabad, September 06, 2012 (PPI-OT): Thousands of illegal sheds are being rented out illegally to vulnerable migrants by ruthless landlords

UK ministers have launched a clampdown against the rogue landlords who rent out illegal sheds to migrants.

Thousands of illegal sheds are being rented out illegally to vulnerable migrants by ruthless landlords who charge them extortionate rents to live in cramped and squalid conditions.

These ‘tenants’ are often forced to live in appalling conditions in these illegal sheds, or on the streets, after they have destroyed their documents in order to make it difficult to return them to their home countries.

UK ministers launched new guidance to British local authorities which makes clear those authorities’ wide range of powers to shut down “beds in sheds” and to take action against landlords on issues such as overcrowding and poor maintenance.

Commenting on the guidance, the Acting High Commissioner Alison Blake said:

“It’s simply unacceptable that migrants are living in squalid, unsafe accommodation provided by landlords more interested in a quick profit rather than their basic responsibilities.

“The actions of these rogue landlords are helping fuel illegal working and benefit fraud and creates a shadow housing market that carries dangers to people’s health as well as community relations.

“The UK is open for genuine migrants who are coming to the UK to do a legitimate job or study at a genuine institution. Action against these landlords helps protect these genuine migrants but we are committed, as are the government of Pakistan, to preventing illegal migration as it harms people both in Pakistan and the UK.”

For more information, contact:
Mike Girling
Press Attache
British High Commission
Tel: +9251 201 2000
Cell: +92300 500 5306

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