Dividend Distribution

This category covers all news related Dividend Distribution

Dispatch of final dividend warrants of Indus Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited

Karachi: Indus Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that the dividend warrants in respect of final dividend @ Rs. 5 per share, i.e. 50% for the year ended June 30, 2016 have been dispatched by registered post or through courier service on November 30, 2016. lndus Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on July 23, 1957 as a public limited company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The principal activity of the company includes manufacturing and sale of yarn. The stocks of the company are quoted on the Karachi Stock Exchange of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located at Karachi. The manufacturing facilities of the company are located in Karachi, Hyderabad and Muzaffargarh. The company is also operating two ginning units. One is located in Multan. The company has the group entities lndus Lyallpur Limited and lndus Home limited which are the wholly owned Subsidiary and Sun Rays Textile Mills Limited which is an associated undertaking. The symbol “IDYM” is used by the stock Exchange for trading the shares of lndus Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited.

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Dispatch of interim cash dividend warrants of Bestway Cement Limited

Karachi: Bestway Cement Limited informed Karachi Stock Exchange that 2nd interim dividend warrants @ Rs. 2.50 per share i.e. 25% for period ended December 31, 2014 have been dispatched to shareholders by registered post on April 6, 2015. Bestway Cement Limited is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan on December 22, 1993. The foundation of the company is laid under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The principal activity of the company is production and sale of cement. The products in which the company deals are Ordinary Portland Cement, Sulphate Resistant Cement, Quick Setting Cement, Low Alkali Ordinary Portland Cement and Clinker. The shares of the company are quoted on the Karachi Stock Exchange of Pakistan. The registered office of the company is located in Islamabad. The symbol “BWCL” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of Bestway Cement Limited.

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MCB-Arif Habib Savings and Investments Limited’s dispatch of dividend warrants/ credit of bonus units

Karachi, August 01, 2013 (PPI-OT): In continuation of Bonus/ Cash Dividend announcements dated July 4, 2013 to the unit holders of following Collective Investment Schemes under management of MCB-Arif Habib Savings and Investments Limited (MCBAH) (Formerly Arif Habib Investments Limited), we are pleased to inform you that the Bonus Units …

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