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Foreign Secretary expresses Condolences

Islamabad: William Hague expressed deep condolences following loss on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border on 26th Nov

A Foreign Office spokesperson said:

“The Pakistan Foreign Minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, called the Foreign Secretary on Saturday 26 November. The Foreign Secretary expressed his deep condolences to the families, armed forces and people of Pakistan for the loss of life that took place on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan earlier that day.

He assured Foreign Minister Rabbani Khar that the UK supports a full investigation into the circumstances of this incident. It is more important than ever that all parties do their utmost to improve mutual peace and security, which will be to the benefit of all the countries in the region.”

For more information, contact:
George Sherriff
Press Attaché
Sarah Cowley
Head of Press and Public Affairs
British High Commission
Tel: +9251 201 2000
Cell: +92300 500 5306

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