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JKLF concerned over Kashmiri detainees’ plight

Srinagar, March 06, 2020 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) has expressed deep concern over the plight of all Kashmiri political detainees including its Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, languishing in different jails of India and the territory and demanded their immediate release. The JKLF Acting Chairman, Abdul Hameed Butt, in a statement issued in Srinagar condemned the fresh arrest spree in occupied Kashmir and described it as the worst kind of human rights violation.


He also denounced the arrest of Tariq Ahmed and his young daughter Insha Tariq by Indian police and sleuths of Indian National Investigation Agency (NIA) from Pulwama. He said that arrest of a father along with his young daughter and taking them to some unknown place without allowing their meeting with other family members and passing them through interrogation was highly immoral, undemocratic, inhuman and condemnable. He also demanded their immediate and unconditional release.


Abdul Hameed Butt expressed his strong displeasure over the ill-treatment of all jailed pro-freedom Kashmiri leaders, who have been illegally arrested and lodged in different far-flung jails of India. These pro-freedom Kashmiris are our assets and their sacrifices would not, in any way, go waste, he added.


He appealed to the international community to put pressure on India to release all illegally detained Kashmiri political leaders including Yasin Malik who have been victimized because of their political beliefs. Hameed Butt urged the world powers to intervene and play role in the resolution of Kashmir dispute so that the people of Kashmir, in particular, and the people of the region, in general, tread to the path of peace, development and prosperity.


Meanwhile, the JKLF has started a peaceful political campaign to highlight the callous and undemocratic Indian approach internationally under which protest demonstrations and seminars are being held especially in European countries, US, UK, Canada, Middle East, Pakistan and AJK.


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