Breaking News

JKLF starts fund raising for Doda quake victims

Srinagar, May 17, 2013 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), Mohammad Yasin Malik has started fund-raising campaign for earthquake victims of Doda district. The campaign will continue for some days after which the relief will be distributed among the victims of the locality.

Thanking people who participated in the campaign or have pledged to provide relief, Yasin Malik said, “Today our brothers and sisters in Chenab region are suffering at the hands of a natural calamity.

These people are facing hard difficulties and troubles and even their lives have been put on stake. In this hour of need these people are looking towards their brothers in Kashmir Today Allah has put us in a test about our kith and kin in Doda.”

The JKLF Chairman said that in past whenever anybody suffered at the hands of nature, the party tried to provide them help and hoped that Kashmiris will open their hearts and contribute for the human cause.

For more information, contact:
Kashmir Media Service
Phone: 92-51-4435548, 4435549
Fax: 92-51-4861736

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