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Justice Mian Shakirullah Jan presides over ceremony of International Justice Day

Islamabad, July 17, 2012 (PPI-OT): Hon’ble Mr. Justice Mian Shakirullah Jan, Judge Supreme Court of Pakistan presided over the ceremony of International Justice Day and launching of Legal Empowerment of the Poor Program, as a chief guest.

The ceremony was organized by UNDP / UNOPS today i.e, 17 July, 2012 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad. At this occasion the anthem / song of the Supreme Court, titled as, “Justice for All” (introduced at its 50th anniversary) was played prior to the address of the Hon’ble chief guest which was highly appreciated by the audience.

The full text of speech of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Mian Shakirullah Jan is as under:-

Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a matter of great pleasure and respect for me to be here with you as a chief guest on this historic event, which is marked as the “International Justice Day.” This respect and warm welcome would always remain with me as a sweet memory. The efforts of the UNDP and United Nations Office for Project Services, with the aim to contribute to provide better access of justice to the poor especially, would always be highly appreciated.

I am also thankful to them for working on this noble cause for the poor people of my motherland. Surely, the efforts of all the stakeholders who are involved in organizing this wonderful event for the cause of justice are praiseworthy and whenever, the people would recall the gracious endeavours for access to justice the names of these stakeholders would be remembered in the golden words.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

There is no doubt that every body is considered equal before the law and on this principle if the justice is administered in any society, it creates a feeling of satisfaction in its members. If every body is treated equally and the light of lamp of justice showers without any discrimination, then life on the planet becomes peaceful. But when the lamp of justice is broken, the darkness begins to spread in the whole society. Injustice in the society breaks the very fabric on which the whole net of social life hinges.

It is rightly said that a people may survive without any religious belief, but not without justice. Injustice becomes a threat to the inhabitants of the society. Martin Luther King had rightly said and I quote:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice every where.”

Indeed, the world has turned into a global village. Injustice anywhere in the society has cross border impacts. The instability and law and order situation of one country badly affects the peace and law and order situation of the other countries on the globe. In the present scenario of the world when the world is in the evil clutches of terrorist activities this fact hardly needs any elaboration.

On this point of time the efforts of the international community for improving the justice sector and thinking about the poor people of Pakistan can not lost sight of. The projects for the legal empowerment of the poor in our society are need of the hour and it would surely contribute and improve the better access to justice for the poor.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today the theme of this event is “Justice for all”. When we say that every body is equal before the law and justice is to be provided to everybody without any discrimination then how the poor, down trodden, neglected and crushed classes of the society can be forgotten. It is our duty to think about them too.

The authority and sources given to the privileged class are not only the test of their kind heartedness and nobility by the Creator but it is also their duty to think for their betterment. The economic instability and the difference of classes of haves and have nots is increasing in the countries like Pakistan. There are still the old dogmas and concept haunting the minds of the poor and neglected class of the people especially those who are unable to get access to justice. Yes I want talk of the Jonathan Swift when he said and I quote:

“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.”

But we have to break such old dogmas. In Pakistan there are lot of people who are unable to get their rights. There is little literacy and the lack of knowledge of fundamental rights which has also aggravated the situation. On the one hand people hardly know that what are their fundamental rights and on the other hand chains of poverty and lack of resources grip them in their vicious clutches. The unequal distribution of wealth in the society being one of the main reasons in the way of peace and justice has become a menace.

At this point of time, it would be improper if I do not appreciate the steps taken by the International community and especially by the UNDP for funding the projects for the poor. Similarly, the implementation of the program by the United Nations Office for Project Services is of great value and worth for the people of Pakistan in particular and for the human beings in general.

I am sure that the efforts for justice in one part of the world would have positive impact on the stability and peace in the international perspective. The people who would have peace and stability would never become pray to the evil and nefarious designs of the terrorists. The society based on justice would really turn the world into a place worth living.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We should not forget that since the birth of universe there would have been done many efforts to remove the poverty from the globe, but from the day immemorial the poverty has remained on the globe like a universal truth. We should feel for those who are neglected segment in the society. It is our responsibility that we should work day and night to lessen their pains.

The story of working for the poor is not only the story of test of our kind heartedness. If we do not remove the hurdles in the way of justice for the poor this would in turn like a monster destroy the peace of the society. The people who are still sleeping over the issue would hardly get opportunity to save themselves from the flood of revolutionary change.

In fighting against the injustice and making sure the access of justice for all it is our collective responsibility to make it sure that the legal empowerment especially of the poor classes is made sure and ascertained. From the word poor I do not want to say that making them rich is the only solution to curb this issue.

We have to take many steps. In the first instance we have to make them aware of their rights, which can only be done by providing them education in this regard. Then the step for practical help comes when the poor and down trodden classes of the society get awareness they are unable to take any stand before the powerful people in the society. They have to face difficulties in approaching the courts and the proper agencies responsible for the assistance for redress of their grievances. The organized efforts are required to solve this problem.

Indeed the Judiciary of Pakistan is not ignorant of all these issues, we are aware that it is the Constitutional responsibility of our State to ensure justice in Pakistan. The whole system of administration of justice has been established by the Constitution to deliver the justice without any discrimination. Certainly, you all would be aware of the Constitutional deviation and the historic movement for the rule of law in our country.

We have never forgotten the other stake holders of the justice sector. That’s why while chalking out the National Judicial Policy for better administration of Justice, we shared and consulted with all of them and with after their assistance and recommendations we implemented the National Judicial Policy. Although we are facing many challenges due to our limited resources but we have neither lost hope nor have given up.

The increasing population and litigation has posed new challenges to the judiciary. These continuous challenges do not match with our limited resources. We have little number of Judges with lack of infrastructure. The Judge to case ratio in some parts of the country is so high that one judge has to handle more than one thousand cases, which become a challenge.

These are certain facts due to which our goals have not been fully accomplished. However, the results are encouraging. The process of consultation with the stake holders is still continued. During the last few years we have organized two International Judicial Conferences one in the year 2006 and the other in April this year. The other National Conferences and events are also remarkable steps in climbing the ladder of our goals.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am sure from this platform many historic and leading steps would be taken which will remarkably improve the access to justice phenomenon. It is our vision and dream indeed, that in our society every body should get justice without any delay and discrimination.

We should not wait for the others to work for us rather we should individually feel our responsibility and should assist such persons who are working on this noble cause. I would like to sum up my comments on this event by sharing few words of Sir Winston Churchill when he said and I quote:

“It is no use saying we are doing our best. You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.”
Thank you, very much.

For more information, contact:
Shahid Hussain Kamboyo
Public Relations Officer
Supreme Court of Pakistan
Tel: +9251 920 4184
Fax: +9251 920 1001

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