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Modaraba Al-Mali Reports Minor Loss, Declares Over 14% Dividend

Karachi, Modaraba Al-Mali NC (MODAM) noted a slight loss of Rs 0.05 per share for the first three months of 2024. However, the company declared a 14.34% dividend, marking a significant distribution despite the financial setback. With shares trading at an impressive high of Rs 908.17, the turnover reached 6,105,500 shares. Since its listing in 1987, Modaraba Al-Mali has maintained a presence on the market with consistent shareholder distributions.

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NIT Pakistan Gateway ETF Shows Growth

Karachi, The NIT Pakistan Gateway ETF (NITGETF) has been active in the market with a daily weighted average rate of Rs. 65.350 and today’s rate of Rs. 17.70. The ETF, established in 2020, manages a fund size of Rs. 10 million with a distribution rate ...