Breaking News

President Azad Jammu and Kashmir calls on Chairman, Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir in his Chamber at Parliament House

Islamabad, April 01, 2019 (PPI-OT): The President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Masood Khan called on Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir, Syed Fakhar Imam on Monday in his Chamber at Parliament House Islamabad. During the meeting the President AJK congratulated the Chairman on his election unanimously as Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir. He further said that keeping in view of his the Parliamentary experience, political stature and vast knowledge, the people of Pakistan rightly expect from the Chairman to lead the Committee in the right direction and best interest of the Pakistan.

The Chairman replied that it is our duty to work selflessly for the betterment of our people in order to solve their problems particularly the Kashmir dispute according to the UN resolutions and wishes of the people of Kashmir. He further said that we must approach all the important forums, well renowned Universities and think tanks to tell the world about the Kashmir dispute with right historical background and latest human rights violations in the Indian occupied Kashmir by the Indian Armed Forces contrary to Human Rights Charter and resolutions passed by the UN Security Council.

For more information, contact:
National Assembly of Pakistan
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National Assembly Secretariat,
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