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Rt. Hon Baroness Sayeeda Warsi arrives in Pakistan

Islamabad: Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Cabinet Minister and Chairman of the UK Conservative Party has this morning arrived in Pakistan.

During her visit to Pakistan, Baroness Warsi will meet with senior ministers and other officials to take forward discussions held under the Enhanced Strategic Dialogue launched during the UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s visit to Pakistan last year.

Recognising the importance of boosting economic and trade ties between the UK and Pakistan as part of this dialogue, Baroness Warsi will also hold meetings with the Pakistani business community.

Baroness Sayeeda Warsi said:

“Our governments are committed to co-operating on issues where we have shared interests including trade, security and education.

“The Enhanced Strategic Dialogue launched by Prime Minister Gilani and Prime Minister David Cameron last year allows both countries to explore these areas of mutual interest in a spirit of understanding, confidence and respect.

“Over £1.9 billion worth of trade flows between our countries every year but the links between our countries are so strong we are aiming to increase this trade in goods and services to £2.5 billion by 2015.

“The UK wants to see Pakistan become more prosperous. Whether it is the work of education programmes funded by UKaid or the additional jobs provided by improved trade links, the UK is investing in Pakistan’s future.”

For more information, contact:
George Sherriff
Press Attaché
Sarah Cowley
Head of Press and Public Affairs
British High Commission
Tel: +9251 201 2000
Cell: +92300 500 5306

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