Senate passes resolution on Islamic studies alignment

The Senate today unanimously passed a resolution emphasizing the need that M. Phil. and PhD programs in Islamic studies should be aligned with modern thinking, originating from the Holy Quran.

The resolution moved by Senator Abdul Qadir resolved that all universities of Pakistan should revise their M.Phil and PhD programs and align them with the requirements of the modern times, which are truly based on research, critical thinking, scientific approach and practical application of Qur’anic knowledge.

The Senate today also passed ‘The International Islamic University (Amendment) Bill, 2023’ and ‘The Pharmacy (Amendment) Bill, 2023’.

Three bills were also introduced in the House. They include; ‘The International Institute of Technology, Culture and Health Sciences Bill, 2024’, ‘The Pakistan Minerals Regulatory Authority Bill, 2024’ and ‘The Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (Amendment) Bill, 2024.

‘The Falcon University of Sciences and Technology Bill, 2024 was also introduced in the House.

Responding to a motion, Caret
aker Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Solangi informed the House that 707 telemetry stations will be established under the National Plan for Flood Telemetry on rivers across Pakistan. He said that Japan International Cooperation Agency has assured its cooperation to set-up 45 of the total telemetry stations.

The Minister further said that Sindh and Punjab have started work for the extension and modernization of their barrages. He said Punjab has completed the task, while work on Sukkur and Guddu barrages in Sindh is underway.

Replying to another motion, Murtaza Solangi said that annual reports of the Council of Islamic Ideology have been laid before the House.

The House will now meet tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.

Source: Radio Pakistan

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