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Sindh governor participates in ceremony honoring islahuddin with nishan imtiaz award

Karachi, Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tesuri attended a ceremony organized to award Nishan Imtiaz to Islahuddin. The ceremony celebrated the achievements of Islahuddin, recognizing his contributions to the nation. During the event, Governor Tesuri highlighted the significance of passion and good leadership in driving the country’s success.

According to Sindh Governor House, Kamran Khan Tesuri congratulated Islahuddin and noted the importance of engaging with individuals like Anwar Maqsood and Islahuddin. He emphasized that their opinions are crucial for the country’s betterment. Governor Tesuri remarked that while the nation might not yet be at its final destination, positive signs are emerging, with progress slowly building over the past seventy years.

Governor Tesuri urged against the notion of feeling weak, pointing out that the presence of prominent personalities like Anwar Maqsood demonstrates the nation’s strength and resilience. He underscored that the country has much to be proud of and should not see itself as inferior to others.

The ceremony served as a platform to honor Islahuddin and foster a sense of unity and optimism for the future of the country.

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