Trading volume and price of TRG Pakistan Limited

Karachi, TRG Pakistan Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange about clarification of any said speculation/rumors. It is stated that the management of the Company is not aware of any material events or information for which a disclosure was required to be made under the prevailing laws. Company assured that they would provide any material / information as when required.

The Resource Group Pakistan Limited is engaged in managing and maintaining the telephone answering services, call centers, business process outsourcing services and information technology related services in Pakistan. The group operates internationally in various different countries including North America, Africa and Europe. The registered office of the business is located in Karachi.

TRG operates in the business process outsourcing sector. The company has acquired more than twenty four companies in the last decade which develops a global structure for the organization.

The symbol “TRG” is being used by the stock exchanges for the shares of The Resource Group Pakistan Limited.

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