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Adviser Finance Reviews Budget Preparations

Islamabad, March 04, 2018 (PPI-OT): Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Dr. Miftah Ismail here on Sunday chaired a meeting to review the activities related to preparation of Budget 2018-19. The additional Secretary budget gave the meeting a briefing on the budget preparations and shared timelines for various activities. The Adviser directed that Budget related activities be given due priority and agreed timelines be fully adhered to.

He said that keeping in line with the traditions of the past four years of the PML-N government, due importance would continue to be accorded to proposals from all the stake holders, particularly business community and the Chambers of Commerce and Industries. He added that the budget would reflect Government’s efforts for having inclusive economic growth, measures for expanding the tax-base and tax net while also taking steps for improvements in all sectors of the economy. The meeting was attended by senior officials of the Budget Wing of the Ministry of Finance.

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