Karachi, July 04, 2013 (PPI-OT): We have to inform you that Mr. M. Tahsin Khan Iqbal has been appointed as Director with effect from June 29, 2013 in place of Mr. Chew Tack Liong.
You may please inform members of your Exchange accordingly.
Appointment of Chairman
We have to inform you that Mr. Donald Jenkin has been appointed as Chairman with effect from July 01, 2013 in place of Mr. Per Haga.
You may please inform members of your Exchange accordingly.
Appointment of Chief Executive
We have to inform you that Mr. Shabbir Abbas has been re-appointed as Chief Executive with effect from June 29, 2013.
You may please inform members of your Exchange accordingly.
Change of Director
We have to inform you that Mr. Chew Teck Liong has ceased to be the Director of the Company with effect from 29.06.2013 and Mr. M. Tahsin Khan Iqbal has been elected as Director.
You may please inform members of your Exchange accordingly.
Change of Chairman
We have to inform you that Mr. Per Haga Chairman has ceased to be the Chairman of the Company with effect from 01.07.2013 and Mr. Donald John Jenkin has appointed as Chairman in place of him.
You may please inform members of your Exchange accordingly.
Change of Management
We have to inform you that as a result of change of management of the company, the following Director has retired from the Board of Directors with effect from June 29, 2013.
Name Designation Mr. Chew Teck Liong Director
In place of the above outgoing Director, the under-mentioned have joined the Board with effect from June 29, 2013.
Name Designation Mr. M. Tahsin Khan Iqbal Director The New Board of the Company now consists of the following: Name Designation 1. Mr. Donald John Jenkin Chairman 2. Mr. Shabbir Abbas Chief Executive Officer 3. Mr. Per Haga Director 4. Mr. Alireza M. Alladin Director 5. Mr. Altaf Nazim Director 6. Mr. Sajid Hassan Director 7. Mr. M. Tahsin Khan Iqbal Director
You may please inform members of your Exchange accordingly.
Election of Director
This is to inform you that in the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 13 June 2013 following directors have been elected as directors of the company for the period commencing from 29th June 2013 to 28th June 2016.
The New Board of the Company now consists of the following:
Name Designation 1. Mr. Donald John Jendin Chairman 2. Mr. Shabbir Abbas Chief Executive Officer 3. Mr. Per Haga Director 4. Mr. Alireza M. Alladin Director 5. Mr. Altaf Nazim Director 6. Mr. Sajid Hassan Director 7. Mr. M. Tahsin Khan Iqbal Director
You may please inform members of your Exchange accordingly.
The above information has also been provided in your prescribed Form.
For more information, contact:
Muhammad Shakeel Uddin
Company Secretary
Dynea Pakistan Limited
1st Floor, Siddiqsons Tower 3,
Jinnah Co-Operative Housing Society,
Block-7/8, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi – 75350, Pakistan
Phones: +92-21-4520132-4, 4391983-4,
Fax: +92-21-4392182
E-mail: dynea@dynea.com.pk
Website: www.dynea.com.pk