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Ghulam Muhammad Bulla’s martyrdom can’t be forgotten: Rehmani

Srinagar, February 14, 2014 (PPI-OT): The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Freedom League, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, has paid glowing tributes to Ghulam Muhammad Bulla, who was tortured to death in the Central Jail Srinagar on 15th of February in 1975.

Ghulam Muhammad Bulla was victimized for braving the Indra-Abdullah Accord 1975 to uphold the right of self-determination of the Kashmiris. Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that Bulla Shaheed was a brave Kashmiri, and remained committed to the cause of Kashmir’s freedom to the end of his short life.

“Bulla joined mass demonstrations in Sopore against the Delhi Accord, and was arrested by the police.” While referring to the turmoil of 1975 in Kashmir, he said, 1974 and 1975 were the years of political turbulence in Kashmir. “India’s then Prime Minister Indra Gandhi and her emissary G. Parthasarthy had after many years of negotiations succeeded in arriving at an accord with the leaders of the Plebiscite Front—Sheikh Abdullah and Mirza Afzal Beig.”

Although they claimed that the pre-1953 status of the State will be restored, but ultimately it was just a change of puppet individuals; and even the old nomenclature of the State—Prime minister and Sadre-Riyast was not restored. As a result In February 1975, only the ruling Congress Party was replaced by Sheikh Abdullah and his colleagues causing more anger and anguish among the people against the leadership of the then Plebiscite Front, he added.

“Public demonstrations were held across Jammu and Kashmir to reject the accord. In Sopore many youths including Bulla were arrested. He was taken to the local Police Station and beaten and tortured by the authorities especially DSP Sopore. After a few days he was shifted to the Central Jail Srinagar, where he embraced martyrdom.

Bulla’s corpse was taken to Sopore under the tight police escort, where in the dead of the night he was buried outside the Degree College Sopore.

The tragic event terribly shook the valley and life paralyzed for many days in Kashmir to mourn Bulla’s brutal-custodial killing in the Central Jail Srinagar. Sheikh Abdullah replaced Syed Mir Qasim as the Chief Minister of the State under the terms of the Delhi Agreement. But, an overwhelming majority of the people and Pakistan did not swallow the bait.

The then Prime minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed gave a protest call against this accord to be observed by the Kashmiris on Friday 28 February,1975.The protest call was responded by unprecedented shut-down by the people across Kashmir, stunning higher echelons of power in Delhi.

Sheikh Abdullah had termed the Delhi Accord 1975 as a new chapter with new leaves of India-Kashmir relations, but when he died in 1982, he was a disappointed man. In the later years, Kashmiri youths articulated their anger and revived the struggle in an unprecedented manner.

They are up-in-arms against occupation for the last 23 years. But, today they face the cob-web of bilateral trade and dialogue between India and Pakistan, however, they emphasize on both of them to unfold the road-map of just resolution and durable peace on the basis of the right of self-determination of the Kashmiris. Trade on LoC can never be accepted as substitute for great blood sacrifices of the people of Kashmir,” he concluded.

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