Karachi Deputy Mayor Oversees Anti-Encroachment Operation on MA Jinnah Road

Karachi, Deputy Mayor Karachi Salman Abdullah Murad visited various markets and commercial areas on MA Jinnah Road to supervise the ongoing grand operation to remove encroachments. The operation aims to clear roads and footpaths of obstructions, which have caused significant inconvenience to citizens and disrupted traffic flow.

According to Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, the Deputy Mayor’s visit was part of a broader effort to ensure effective coordination among various stakeholders involved in the anti-encroachment operation. During his visit, Senior Director of the Anti-Encroachment Department, Imran Rajput, briefed Murad on the progress of the operation and explained the measures taken to maintain order during the process.

Imran Rajput noted that coordination with the Deputy Commissioner South District and the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Traffic has been established to prevent any obstruction to traffic flow and address any incidents during the operation. The presence of police and other authorities is intended to ensure safety and maintain order while encroachments are being removed.

Deputy Mayor Salman Abdullah Murad emphasized the importance of involving all concerned authorities in the operation to ensure a unified approach. He stated that encroachments on roads and footpaths pose significant challenges to traffic flow and pedestrians, especially in the city’s busy business centers. He urged that the ongoing campaign against encroachments be made effective to minimize disruptions and ensure that citizens can move freely.

The Deputy Mayor called for a swift and comprehensive operation to clear encroachments, particularly in areas where businesses and commercial activities are concentrated. By doing so, the administration aims to improve traffic flow and make footpaths accessible to pedestrians, ultimately benefiting the city’s residents and business community.

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