Kashmiris Denounce Indian Parliamentary Elections as Illegitimate

Srinagar, In the latest display of electoral process under heightened security, the Indian parliamentary elections in the Baramulla constituency have been met with widespread criticism and rejection by the local Kashmiri population. The elections are viewed as an attempt by New Delhi to legitimize its control over the disputed region under the guise of democracy.

According to Kashmir Media Service, observers and critics have voiced concerns that the presence of nearly one million Indian troops in Jammu and Kashmir renders any elections in the region neither free nor fair. The so-called elections have been described as more of a military operation than a democratic process, with the Indian government using these events to falsely represent the political climate of the region to the international community.

The efforts by the Modi government to conduct parliamentary elections are seen as an extension of the policies initiated in August 2019, aimed at solidifying India’s hold over the contested territory. Despite these tactics, many argue that such staged electoral processes cannot suppress the Kashmiri demand for self-determination and are insufficient substitutes for genuine democratic rights. The call for the withdrawal of Indian troops and the enforcement of UN resolutions on Kashmir’s status remains strong among the local populace.

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