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Malik Nauman Ahmad felicitates nation on the blessings of Ramazan

Islamabad, July 20, 2012 (PPI-OT): “Ramzan should be greeted with great zeal and zest as the essence of month long exercise is to revitalize faith, develop good habits, and renew the covenant with The Al-mighty Allah”, said the state Minister for Housing, Malik Nauman Ahmad Langrial congratulating the blessings of Ramzan karim to the nation.

He said, the festive occasion of Ramzan also highlights the character, sacrifices, teachings and roll model of Holy Prophet (PBUH) for the moral and spiritual betterment of humanity in the broader prospect. In his message he also underlined the need for implementing the fundamentals of Islam in individual as well as collective lives of Muslims.

He called upon every one to pledge that day would collectively struggle for the betterment of society and welfare of the people of Pakistan and urged civil society to recognize the right of all section of society specially the deprived ones in the country for the establishment of a liberal and pluralistic society in Pakistan.

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