President to address Pakistan’s Leaders of Tomorrow – PakLOT participants

Islamabad: In order to create an environment of debate and self-responsibility amongst the youth, the government has initiated a strategy to encourage dialogue amongst the youth. In this connection an event entitled “Pakistan’s Leaders of Tomorrow – PakLOT” will be held tomorrow at Islamabad. President Asif Ali Zardari, who has always wholeheartedly supported initiatives to empower the youth of Pakistan, will preside over the event.

The purpose of the event is to mobilize the youth for creating a culture of constructive engagement, which promotes participation and individual responsibility in dealing with issues of personal and democratic security.

A group of around 100 – 120 outstanding students with leadership skills have been selected from various schools, colleges and universities who will take on the role of “Pakistan Leaders of Tomorrow – PakLOT”. These students will assist the Government by engaging with the public primarily through Social Media Networking – one of the most effective modes of communication today.

In the inaugural event the President is expected to highlight rationale and purpose behind the initiative. During the event, students will debate on selected issues and, as a result of the brainstorming process, a resolution on all core issues of counter-narcotics, counter-terrorism, energy and international relations will be passed by the “PakLOT” at the end of the event. Once finalized, the resolutions will also be available to the public.

The initiative will serve as an effective means of communicating directly with the general public, to strengthen direct links and trust between the youth and the Government of Pakistan. Furthermore, it will not only make the youth realize that security and stability cannot be gained through extremism, but also give them a sense of responsibility to participate effectively in combating major issues that plague our country, like terrorism, narcotics and other criminal activities.

For more information, contact:
Haji Ahmed Malik
Principal Information Officer
Press Information Department (PID)
Tel: +9251 925 2323 and +9251 925 2324
Fax: +9251 925 2325 and +9251 925 2326

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